How to fend off the Autumn + Winter Blues

As the days begin to grow shorter and the temperature drops after a barely there Summer, many people find themselves grappling with the onset of the Autumn and Winter blues. The colder, darker months can be challenging so we have created a few ways that could help you to keep your spirits high when the temperature is low.

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Powerscourt Springs
Yoga During Pregnancy

Yes, you can do hot yoga while pregnant, but there are certain poses to avoid. It is safe to do yoga in early pregnancy, but as your pregnancy progresses, you will want to modify or avoid certain poses.

If you're pregnant and thinking about trying hot yoga, you may be wondering if it's safe. The good news is that you can continue your regular yoga practice during pregnancy, including hot yoga classes. However, there are a few things to keep in mind.

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A spa session is one of life's little pleasures, but there are many more benefits to be gained by spending a day at a spa than just unwinding with an indulgent massage or much-needed pedicure. Check out some popular spa treatments and see what they can do for you.

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Powerscourt Springs